Ahad Javanmardi








1 . 个人详细资料

全名                 :阿哈德·贾(Ahad Javanmardi

首字母缩写     : AJ

语言                 : 英语, 硕士研究生导师

职称                : 副教授

地址                :福州大学科技园2号楼4层必发bifa在线登录国际化示范中心A402

邮箱                 : ahad@fzu.edu.cn ; ahadjavanmardi@gmail.com

领英                 : https://www.linkedin.com/in/ahad-javanmardi/

谷歌学术         : https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=-xoBTg0AAAAJ&hl=en

研究之门         : https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ahad_Javanmardi

Web of Science : https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/244707


2. 学历背景

·   2014-2018        马来西亚马来亚大学结构工程与材料 工学博士

毕业论文题目:Seismic Behavior Investigation of a Cable-Stayed Bridge with Hybrid Passive Control System

·   2012-2014        马来西亚理工大学结构工程 工学硕士,CGPA: 3.73/4

毕业论文题目Experimental Test on a Precast Sub-Frame Subjected to Cyclic Lateral Loading

·   2006-2012        印度韦斯科技大学土木工程 工程学士


3. 奖学金、助学金与补助金

Ø 2021-2025 福州大学科研资助(511148 ) (项目负责人)

Ø 2022-2023 福建省外国专家招聘项目(青年项目) (项目负责人)

Ø 2020-2021 中国博士后科学基金资助项目 (2020M682074) (项目负责人)

Ø 2019-2020 福建省外国专家招聘项目(青年项目) (项目负责人)

Ø 2018-2020 福州科技局,科技计划项目,(2018-G-63) (参与)

Ø 2016-2019 马来亚大学,PPP资助(PG242-2015B) (参与)

Ø 2016-2017 马来西亚高等教育部,FRGS资助 (FP028/13A) (参与)

Ø 2014-2016 马来亚大学,UMRG资助 (RP004A/13AET) (参与)

4. 研究领域


















5. 工作经历

2023.04至今                           高级访问学者 (海外)               西悉尼大学    

2021.12 至今                           副教授                                    福州大学                       

2019.12-2021.12                      博士后研究人员                      福州大学                    

2021.03-2022.03                       学术编辑                                 TopEdit                                   

2019.01-2019.09                       项目工程师                             RB International         

2014.04-2018.05                      研究助理                                 马来亚大学

2013.01-2014.01                      硕士研究生                             马来西亚理工大学         

2011.02-2012.02                      见习工程师                             荷莫兹贝顿公司Hormoz Beton Firm


6. 会员资格与证书

·         2021至今             PLOS ONE (SCI收录) 期刊编委

·         2021至今             Advances in Civil Engineering (SCI收录) 期刊编委                                                            

·         2022至今             Buildings (SCI收录) 期刊专题顾问                                                           

·         2021-2023                Frontiers in Built Environment (SCI收录) 客座编辑

·         2022-2023                Frontiers in Sustainable Cities (SCI收录) 客座编辑                                                            

·         2021至今             Journal of Modern Industry and Manufacturing期刊编委

·         2021至今             American Journal of Civil Engineering期刊编委 

·         2019至今             International Journal of Architectural, Civil and Construction Sciences期刊编委

·         2019至今             International Journal on Engineering Technologies and Informatics 期刊编委          

·         2019至今             国际结构与建筑工程科学委员会委员       

·         2017至今             马来西亚工程师委员会(BEM)见习工程师

·         2016至今             美国土木工程师学会(ASCE)-结构工程学会(SEI)会员

·         2017至今             国际桥梁与结构工程协会 (IABSE)会员   

·         2017至今             土木工程师学会(ICE)会员                           

·         2014                            马来西亚科技大学OpenSees workshop证书                                                                          

·         2015                         施工图技术职业技能证书                                             


7. 专利

(1) 黄福云; 阿哈德·贾; 哈立德·盖迪; 哈米德·哈提比; 王森; 杨恒 ; 阻尼器, 2022-01-18, 中国,

ZL 2021 3 0620602.8 (专利)

(2) 黄福云; 阿哈德·贾; 哈立德·盖迪; 哈米德·哈提比; 王森; 杨恒 ; 适用于阶跃荷载的阻尼器,

2022-02-01, 中国, ZL 2021 2 2264825.2 (专利)

(3) 黄福云; 阿哈德·贾; 哈立德·盖迪; 哈米德·哈提比; 王森; 杨恒 ; 适用于阶跃荷载的阻尼器及使

用方法, 2022-06-09, 中国, ZL 2021 1 1096125.5 (专利)

(4) Ahad Javanmardi; Mohammed Jamel; Zainah Ibrahim; Khaled Ghaedi ; Bar Damper, 2018-11-02,

WIPO, 2016702928 (专利)


8. 书籍章节

·         Ghaedi, K., Gordan, M., Javanmardi, A., Khatibi, H., & Vaghei, R. (2022). Introductory Chapter: Design, Construction, and Retrofit of Bridges, Roads, and Highways. In (Ed.), Applied Methods in Design and Construction of Bridges, Highways and Roads - Theory and Practice. IntechOpen. https://doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.105507

·         Ghaedi, K., Hejazi, F., Gordan, M., Javanmardi, A., Khatibi, H., Joharchi, A., (2021). “Seismic response characteristics of RCC dams considering fluid-structure interaction of dam-reservoir system”, in: Fluid-Structure Interaction,. IntechOpen, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.97859. 


9. 著作



1.         Ghaedi, K., Javanmardi, A.*, Ibrahim, Z., Gordan, M., Rashid, R. S. M., Khatibi, H., & Vaghei, R. (2023). Experimental and numerical studies on the cyclic performance of structural frames equipped with bar dampers. Structures, 50, 707–722. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.istruc.2023.02.070  (SCI收录)


2.       Ghalehnoei, M. S., Javanmardi, A.*, Izadifar, M., Ukrainczyk, N., & Koenders, E. A. B. (2023). Finite Element Analysis of Shear Reinforcing of Reinforced Concrete Beams with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Grid-Strengthened Engineering Cementitious Composite. Buildings, Article-in-press(SCI收录)


3.       Javanmardi, A., Ghaedi, K., Ibrahim, Z., Huang, F., Kuczma, M., Tabrizikahou, A., & Mohammad-Sedighi, M., (2022). Pounding mitigation of a short-span cable-stayed bridge using a new hybrid passive control system. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 134, 625–636. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enganabound.2021.10.020 (SCI收录)


4.       Javanmardi, A., Huang, F., et al., (2022). Experimental Study on Seismic Response of an Integral Abutment- Steel H-pile Structure under Quasi-static Cyclic Loads. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1080/13632469.2022.2112999  (SCI收录)


5.       Huang, F., Li, L., Javanmardi, A.*, et al., (2022).  Modified calculation method of earth pressure and internal force of the abutment-pile in integral abutment jointless bridges. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 22:205, 1-20. https://doi.org/10.1007/s43452-022-00533-2 (SCI收录)


6.       Mulk, S., Usman, M., Khan, A., Usman, M., Javanmardi, A., & Ahmad, A. (2022). Damage assessment of reinforced concrete beams using cost-effective MEMS accelerometers. Structures, 41, 602–618. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.istruc.2022.04.101 (SCI收录)


7.       Khatibi, H., Wilkinson, S., Sweya, L.N., Baghersad, M., Dianat, H., Ghaedi, K., Javanmardi, A. (2022) An integrated framework for assessment of smart city resilience. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 1-22 https://doi.org/10.1177/23998083221092422 (SCI收录)


8.       WQ Guo, XY Luo, YF Tang, RH Fu, Javanmardi, A., (2022). Study on Mechanical Properties of Simply Supported Girder Bridge after Jointless. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2158 (1), 012023 (SCI收录)


9.       Javanmardi, A., Ghaedi, K., Huang, F., Usman, M., & Tabrizikahou, A., (2021). Application of structural control systems for the cables of cable-stayed bridges: State-of-the-art and state-of-the-practice. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11831-021-09632-4 (SCI收录)


10.   Xu, P., Zhi, X., Huang, F, Javanmardi, A., (2021). Numerical simulation of deepwater S-lay and J-lay pipeline using vector form intrinsic finite element method. Ocean Engineering. 234, 10903 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oceaneng.2021.109039 (SCI收录)


11.   Ghaedi, K., Ibrahim, Z., Javanmardi, A., & Rupakhety, R. (2021). Experimental study of a new bar damper device for vibration control of structures subjected to earthquake loads. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 25:2, 300-318, https://doi.org/10.1080/13632469.2018.1515796 (SCI收录)


12.   Chen, S., Yang, Y., Shen, Z., Javanmardi, A., (2021). Reconstruction of Min-Zhe wooden arch bridges and its legitimation as tangible and intangible heritage. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. https://doi.org/10.1080/15583058.2021.1908444 (SCI收录)


13.   Tabrizikahou, A., Kuczma, M., Nowotarski, P., Kwiatek, M., & Javanmardi, A. (2021). Sustainability of Civil Structures through the Application of Smart Materials : A Review. Materials, 14(4824), 1–29. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma14174824 (SCI收录)


14.   Khatibi, H., Wilkinson, S., Dianat, H., Baghersad, M., Ghaedi, K. & Javanmardi, A. (2021). Indicators bank for smart and resilient cities: design of excellence. Built Environment Project and Asset Management. https://doi.org/10.1108/BEPAM-07-2020-0122 (SCI收录)


15.   Khatibi, H., Wilkinson, S., Baghersad, M., Dianat, H., Hidayati, R., Meldi, S., Javanmardi, A., & Ghaedi, K. (2021). The Resilient – Smart City Development: A Literature Review and Novel Frameworks Exploration.  Built Environment Project and Asset Management. https://doi.org/10.1108/BEPAM-03-2020-0049 (SCI收录)


16.   Javanmardi, A.*, Ibrahim, Z., Ghaedi, K., Ghadim, H. B., Hanif, M. U., (2020). State-of-the-art Review of Metallic Dampers: Testing, Development and Implementation. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 27 (2), 455-478. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11831-019-09329-9 (SCI收录)


17.   Javanmardi, A.*, Ghaedi, K., Ibrahim, Z., Huang, F., & Xu, P., (2020). Development of a new hexagonal honeycomb steel damper. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 20 (2), 1–19. https://doi.org/10.1007/s43452-020-00063-9 (SCI收录)


18.   Huang, F., Shan, Y., Javanmardi, A.*, Luo, X., & Chen, B. (2020). Seismic Performance of Various Piles Considering Soil – Pile Interaction under Lateral Cycle Loads for Integral Abutment Jointless Bridges (IAJBs). Applied Sciences, 10 (10), 2–23. https://doi.org/10.3390/app10103406 (SCI收录)


19.   Alasadi, S., Ibrahim, Z., Shafigh, P., Javanmardi, A., Nouri, K. (2020). An Experimental and Numerical Study on the Flexural Performance of Over-Reinforced Concrete Beam Strengthening with Bolted-Compression Steel Plates : Part II. Applied Science, 10(1), 94. https://doi.org/10.3390/app10010094 (SCI收录)


20.   Khan, N. B., Ibrahim, Z., Ali, M. A., Jameel, M., Khan, M.I., Javanmardi, A., Oyejobib, D. O. (2019). Numerical simulation of flow with large eddy simulation at Re=3900: A study on the accuracy of statistical quantities. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow. 30(5),  2397-2409 https://doi.org/10.1108/HFF-11-2018-0619 (SCI收录)


21.   Javanmardi, A*., Ibrahim, Z., Ghaedi, K., Khan, N. B., & Ghadim, H. B. (2018). Seismic isolation retrofitting solution for an existing steel cable-stayed bridge. PLOS ONE, 13(7), 1–22. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0200482  (SCI收录)


22.   Hanif, M. U., Ibrahim, Z., Ghaedi, K., Hashim, H., & Javanmardi, A. (2018). Damage Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Structures Using A Model-based Nonlinear Approach - A Comprehensive Review. Construction and Building Materials, 192, 847–865. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.10.115 (SCI收录)


23.   Ghaedi, K., Ibrahim, Z., Jameel M., Javanmardi, A., Khatibi, H., (2018). Seismic Response Analysis of Fully Base Isolated Adjacent Buildings with Segregated Foundations. Advances in Civil Engineering. https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/4517940 (SCI收录)


24.   Javanmardi, A.*, Ghaedi, K., Ibrahim, Z., & Muthu, K. U. (2018). Seismic Pounding Mitigation of an Existing Cable-Stayed Bridge Using Metallic Dampers. In IABSE Conference – Engineering the Developing World (pp. 617–623). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia: International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering. http://dx.doi.org/10.2749/kualalumpur.2018.0617 (SCI收录)


25.   Javanmardi, A.*, Ibrahim, Z., Ghaedi, K. (2018). Development of a new hybrid precast beam-to-column connection. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 431, 112002. https://doi.org/10.1088/1757-899X/431/11/112002 (SCI收录)


26.   Ghaedi, K., Ibrahim, Z., Javanmardi, A. (2018). A new metallic bar damper device for seismic energy dissipation of civil structures. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 431, 122009. https://doi.org/10.1088/1757-899X/431/12/122009 (SCI收录)


27.   Ghaedi, K., Ibrahim, Z., Javanmardi, A., & Jameel, M. (2018). Finite Element Analysis Of A Strengthened Beam Deliberating Elastically Isotropic And Orthotropic CFRP material. Journal of Civil Engineering, Science and Technology, 9(2), 117–126. https://doi.org/10.33736/JCEST.991.2018


28.   Javanmardi, A.*, Ibrahim, Z., Ghaedi, K., Jameel, M., Usman, H. (2018). Seismic response of a base-isolated cable-stayed bridge under near-fault ground motion excitations. Scientific Research Journal, 15(1), 1–14.  https://doi.org/10.24191/SRJ2018.15.1.1-14


29.   Ghaedi, K., Javanmardi, A., Ibrahim, Z., Anas Shaiban, Hanif, U., & Rehman, S. K. U. (2018). A New Passive Bar Damper Device for Alleviation of Structural Damages of Structures Subjected to Seismic Motions. Trends in Civil Engineering and Material Science, 1 (3), 57-62. http://dx.doi.org/10.32474/TCEIA.2018.01.000115


30.   Hanif, M., Ibrahim, Z., Ghaedi, K., Javanmardi, A., & Rehman, S. (2018). Finite Element Simulation of Damage in RC Beams. Journal of Civil Engineering, Science and Technology, 9(1). https://publisher.unimas.my/ojs-training/index.php/JCEST/article/view/883/631


31.   Javanmardi, A., Ibrahim, Z., Ghaedi, K., Jameel, M., Khatibi, H., & Suhatril, M. (2017). Seismic response characteristics of a base-isolated cable-stayed bridge under moderate and strong ground motions. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 17(2), 419–432. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.acme.2016.12.002 (SCI收录)


32.   Ghaedi, K., Ibrahim, Z., Adeli, H., & Javanmardi, A. (2017). Invited Review: Recent developments in vibration control of building and bridge structures. Journal of Vibroengineering, 19(5), 3564–3580. https://doi.org/10.21595/jve.2017.18900 (SCI收录)


33.   Javanmardi, A.*, Ibrahim, Z., Ghaedi, K., & Khatibi, H. (2017). Numerical analysis of vertical pipe damper. In 39th IABSE SYMPOSIUM Report; Engineering the Future (pp. 2974–2980). Vancouver, Canada: International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering. https://doi.org/10.2749/vancouver.2017.2974 (SCI收录)


34.   Javanmardi, A.*, Ghaedi, K., Ibrahim, Z., & Khatibi, H. (2016). Nonlinear seismic behavior of a based isolated cable-stayed bridge. In S. B. University (Ed.), 4th international congress on Civil engineering, Architecture and Urban Development. Tehran: Civilica. https://civilica.com/doc/617968/ (ISC-Indexed)


35.     Ghaedi, K., Khanzaei, P., Vaghei, R., Fateh, A., Javanmardi, A., Gordan, M., & Hanif, U. (2016). Reservoir hydrostatic pressure effect on roller compacted concrete (RCC) dams. Malaysian Construction Research Journal, 19(2). (SCI收录)


36.   Javanmardi, A.*, Abadi, R., Marsono, A. K., Tap, M., Ibrahim, Z., & Ahmad, A. (2015). Correlation of Stiffness and Natural Frequency of Precast Frame System. Applied Mechanics and Materials Vol., 735, 141–144. https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.735.141


37.   Ghaedi, K., Javanmardi, A., Gordan, M., Khatibi, H., & Mohammadi, A. (2015). Application of 2D and 3D finite element modelling of gravity dams under seismic loading. In 3rd National Graduate Conference (NatGrad2015) (pp. 264-269). http://dspace.uniten.edu.my/handle/123456789/10217


38.   Gordan, M., Izadifar, M., Haddadiasl, A., Javanmardi, A., Abadi, R., & Mohammadhosseini, H. (2014). Interaction of Across-Wind and Along-Wind with Tall Buildings. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 8(19), 96–101. http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/2.1.3315.9042

10. 会议与获奖情况

·         2022年,印度瓦朗加尔国立技术学院(National Institute of Technology)特约报告,主题为“Facilitating Digital Transformation in Design, Construction and Management Processes of Civil Engineering

·      2018年,马来西亚吉隆坡,国际桥梁与结构工程协会(IABSE)春季会议——发展中国家的工程,报告。

·      2018年,获得第十四届国际混凝土工程与技术会议(CONCET)最佳论文奖,马来西亚吉隆坡

·      2018年,获得第14届国际混凝土工程与技术会议(CONCET)会议报告,马来西亚吉隆坡

·      2017年,第39届国际桥梁与结构工程协会(IABSE)研讨会会议报告,加拿大温哥华

·      2016年,第四届国际土木工程、建筑与城市发展大会(iCSAU)会议报告,伊朗德黑兰

·      2016年,第13届国际混凝土工程与技术会议(CONCET)会议报告,马来西亚沙阿兰

·      2014年,第五届国际工程科学与人文研究生会议(IGCESH)会议报告,马来西亚新山

·      2004年,第五届全国机械制图与AutoCAD技能竞赛第三名


11. 组织与参与活动情况

Ø 国际桥梁与结构工程协会(IABSE)春季会议组委会委员,马来西亚吉隆坡,2018425-27日。

Ø 国际土木工程与建筑设计网络研讨会组委会委员,20211110-11日。

Ø ICPH002 2021的科学委员会委员,国际被动式建筑(Passive House会议加拿大温哥华2021923-24

Ø ICBEADC 2021的科学委员会委员,国际桥梁工程会议:分析、设计与施工,沙特阿拉伯吉达,20211115-16日。

Ø ICBADC 2020的科学委员会成员,国际桥梁分析、设计与施工会议,法国巴黎,20201228-29

Ø IABSE 2018年春季会议的会议主席,马来西亚吉隆坡。

Ø SCI期刊审稿专家,包括Engineering Structures, Automation in Construction, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Structures, Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, Advances in Structural Engineering, Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, Journal of Theoretical & Computational Chemistry, Journal of Scientia Iranica