Chinese Version (中文版)
• 2000 - 2004 Bachelor of Chemistry, College of Chemistry and Molecular Science, Wu han University, P. R.China.
• 2004 - 2009 Doctor of Chemistry, College of Chemistry and Molecular Science, Wu han University, P. R. China.
• 2008 Joint PHD candidate of Chemistry, College of Product Science, Bremen University, Germany.
• 2010 - 2011 Postdoctor,Department of Pharmacy, University of Paris 11, France.
• 2011 Postdoctor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Virginia Tech. University, United State.
• 2009 - now Lecturer, Institute of Analytical Chemistry, College of Chemistry, Central China Normal University, P. R. China.
Research Fields and Interests
My researches focused on developing methodologies for pesticide metabolism, soil pesticide residuals in soil and water, as well as geneticanalysis, relying on chromatographic-mass spectrometry, microfluidic chiptechnology and micro-nano processing technology (such as photolithography, 3Dprinting, etc.). Additionally, there is a certain accumulation of researches inthe safety evaluation of new pesticides and the transmission and control ofpesticide residuals in soil.
Selected Publications
1. Lingling Wang, Yujiao Wang, Shichang Jiang, MingyueYe, Ping Su, Bo Xiong*, Microfluidic nitrogen-assisted nanoelectrospray emitter: a monolithic interface for accurate mass measurements based on asingle nozzle, Journal of Chromatography A, 10.1016/j.chroma. 2016. 09. 065.
2. *Bo Xiong, Lingling Wang, Yujiao Wang, Yajing Bao, Shichang Jiang, Mingyue Ye, Three-dimensional hydrodynamic focusingmicrofluidic emitter: a strategy to inhibit sample ion expansion innanoelectrospray ionization, Analyst, 2016, 141, 177-182.
3. *Bo Xiong, Lingling Wang, Qiong Li, Yuting Nie, Shuangshuang Cheng, Hui Zhang, Renqiang Sun, Yujiao Wang, Hongbin Zhou, Parallel microscope-based fluorescence, absorbance and time-of-flight massspectrometry detection for high performance liquid chromatography and determination of glucosamine in urine, Talanta, 2015, 144, 275-282.
4. Lingling Wang, Yuting Nie, Yujiao Wang, *ZhenyuWang, *Bo Xiong, Qualitative and quantitative determinations of pyridalyl and metabolites in excrement of two representative Lepidoptera pests, RSC Advances, 2015, 5, 103474-103479.
5. Li Kang-Li, Wang Ling-Ling, Bao Ya-Jing, Xiong Bo*,Wang Zhen-Yu*, Analytical Method for the Interaction between Pesticide and Biological Macromolecules Based on High Resolution Mass Spectrometry, Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2016, 44, 218-223.
6. Bo Xiong, Ya jing Bao, Yu jiao Wang, Anitrogen-assist electrospray ionization source for a high-resolution massspectrometric method based on microfluidic hydrodynamic focusing, National Invention Pattern, 2015, CN201510266036.9.
Honors and Awards
Fang Zhao lun Excellent Lecture Award 2016, Microtas of China, 2016, Lan zhou.
Dawn Project Award, Hu bei Science and Technology Association, 2013, Wu han.