Chinese Version (中文版)
9/1994—7/2001:B. S., M. E., School of Chemistry and Material, Hubei University
9/2001—1/2005:Ph. D,School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Nanjing University
9/2006—6/2009:Postdoc, School of Chemistry and molecular Sciences,Wuhan University
7/2010—7/2011:Visiting Scholar, Medical college/Hospital,University of Munich, Germany
2/2005—present:College of Chemistry, Central China Normal University, Lecturer (2005-2008), Associate Professor (2008-present)
Research Fields and Interests
Sample pretreatment technique, liquid chromatography/gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, biomarker and small molecule metabolite analysis, pesticide residue analysis
Selected Publications
1. ShuLing Wang, Sheng Hu, Hui Xu*, Analysis of aldehydes in human exhaled breath condensates byin-tube SPME-HPLC, Anal. Chim. Acta, 2015, 900, 67-75.
2. Jing Huang, Hongtao Deng, Dandan Song, Hui Xu*, Electrospun polystyrene/graphenenanofiber film as a novel adsorbent of thin film microextraction for extractionof aldehydes in human exhaled breath condensates, Anal. Chim. Acta, 2015, 878, 102-108.
3. Yu Li, Hui Xu*, Development of a novel graphene/polyaniline electrodeposited coating for on-line in-tubesolid phase microextraction of aldehydes in human exhaled breath condensate, J. Chromatogr. A, 2015, 1395, 23-31.
4. GuoJuan Zhang, LiangYuan Zou, Hui Xu*, Anodic Alumina Coating for Extraction of Volatile Organic Compounds in Human Exhaled Breath Vapor, Talanta, 2015, 132: 528-534.
5. GuoJuan Zhang, XiaoXi Guo, ShuLing Wang, XueLan Wang, YanPing Zhou, Hui Xu*, New Graphene Fiber Coating for Volatile Organic Compounds Analysis, J. Chromatogr. B, 2014, 969, 128-131.
6. Hui Xu*, Yanling Wei, Linli Zhu, Jing Huang, Yu Li, Feilong Liu, Shuling Wang, Shi Liu, Bifunctional magnetic nanoparticles for analysis of aldehyde metabolites inexhaled breath of lung cancer patients, J. Chromatogr. A, 2014, 1324,29-35.
7.Hui Xu*, Zhihua Yan, Dandan Song, Development of a novel monolith frit-basedsolid-phase microextraction method for determination of hexanal and heptanal inhuman serum samples,J. Sep. Sci ., 2012, 35, 713-720.(cover paper)
8. Lv Lili, Hui Xu*, Dandan Song, Yanfang Cui, Sheng Hu, Ganbing Zhang*, Analysis of volatile aldehyde biomarkers in human blood by derivatization and dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction based on solidification of floating organic droplet method by high performance liquid chromatography, J. Chromatogr. A, 2010, 1217(16), 2365-2370.
9.Hui Xu*, Lili Lv, Sheng Hu, Dandan Song*, High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of hexanal and heptanal in human blood by ultrasound-assisted headspace liquid-phase microextraction with in-drop derivatization,J. Chromatogr. A, 2010, 1217(16), 2371-2375.
10.Hui Xu*, Zongqing Ding, Lili Lv, Dandan Song, Yu-Qi Feng*,A novel dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction based on solidification of floating organic droplet method for determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons inaqueous samples, Anal. Chim. Acta, 2009, 636, 28-33. (Most cited article, citation: 168)