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    CAO Yu

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    03/2000 – 03/2003

    Ph.D. in Material Science/Polymer Physics & Chemistry

    Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China, March, 2003

    Research Advisor: Prof. Huimin Tan

    09/1997 – 03/2000

    M.S. in Polymer Science and Engineering

    Beijing Institute of Clothing Technology, Beijing, China, March,2000

    Research Advisor: Prof. Xushan Gao

    09/1991 – 07/1995

    B.S. in Polymer Science & Engineering (Chemical fiber),

    Beijing Institute of Clothing Technology, Beijing, China, July, 1995


    09/2007– now, Professor in College of Chemistry,Central China Normal University, China

    04/2005–07/2007, The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science(JSPS) postdoctoral fellow for foreign researchers,

    Department of Applied Chemistry & Biotechnology, Faculty ofEngineering

    University of Fukui, Japan

    03/2003–03/2005, Postdoctoral research associate

    State Key Laboratory of Polymer Physics & Chemistry, Center of Molecular Science,

    Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

    07/1995-09/1997, Manager of production, Assistant Engineer

    Baoding Swan Chemical Fiber Group Co. LTD, Baoding, Hebei, China

    Research Fields and Interests

    Biopolymer materials,polymer nanocomposites, Drug delivery systems, Bioactivity macromolecules

    Selected Publications

    1. Xuan Xie, Shiying Luo, Jean Felix Mukerabigwi, Jian Mei, Yuannian Zhang, Shufang Wang, Wang Xiao, Xueying Huang and YuCao*, Targeted Nanoparticles from Xyloglucan-Doxorubicin Conjugate Loaded with Doxorubicin against Drug Resistance, RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 26137- 26146

    2. Jean Felix Mukerabigwi, Shaojun Lei, Haili Wang, Shiying Luo, Xiaoya Ma, Jing Qin, Xueying Huang, Yu Cao*, Synthesis and properties of a novel ecofriendly superabsorbent hydrogel nanocomposite based on xyloglucan-graft-poly(acrylic acid)/diatomite, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 83732-83742

    3. Yuannian Zhang, Haili Wang, Jean FelixMukerabigwi, Min Liu, ShiyingLuo, Shaojun Lei, Yu Cao*, Xueying Huang and Hongxuan He, Self-organized nanoparticles drug delivery systems fromfolate-targeted dextran-doxorubicin conjugate loaded with doxorubicin against multidrug resistance, RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 71164 - 71173

    4. Min Liu, Didi Chen, Jean Felix Mukerabigwi, Sha Chen, Yuannian Zhang, Shaojun Lei, ShiyingLuo, Zhili Wen,Yu Cao,* and Hongxuan He,* Intracellular delivery of 10-hydroxycamptothecin with targeted nanostructured lipid carriers against multidrug resistance, Journal of Drug Targeting, DOI:10.3109/1061186X.2015.1086358.

    5. Luo, Shiying; Gu, Ying; Zhang, Yuannian; Guo, Pei; Mukerabigwi, Jean Felix; Liu, Min; Lei, Shaojun; Cao, Yu*; He, Hongxuan; Huang, Xueying*, Precise Ratiometric Control of Dual Drugs through Single Macromolecule for Combination Therapy, Mol. Pharmaceutics, 2015, 12 (7), pp 2318–2327

    6. Haili Wang, Jean Felix Mukerabigwi, YuannianZhang, Lin Han, Telieke Jiayinaguli, Qing Wang, Lina Liu,Yu Cao*, Renqiang Sun, Xueying Huang; In vivo immunological activity of carboxymethylated-sulfated (1→3)-β-d-glucanfrom sclerotium of Poriacocos. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2015, 79, 511-517

    7. Min Liu, Didi Chen, Chenxu Wang, Xunhu Chen, Zhili Wen, Yu Cao,* and Hongxuan He,* Intracellular target delivery of 10-hydroxycamptothecin with solid lipid nanoparticlesagainst multidrug resistance, Journal of Drug Targeting, 2015, 23(9), 800-805

    8. Jean Felix Mukerabigwi, Qing Wang, Xiaoya Ma, Min Liu, Shaojun Lei, Haitao Wei, Xueying Huang, Yu Cao*, Urea fertilizercoated with biodegradable polymers and diatomite for slow release and waterretention, Journal of Coatings Technology and Research; 2015,Volume 12, Issue 6, pp 1085-1094

    9. Didi Chen, Min Liu, Sha Chen, Pei Guo, Xueying Huang, Mengting Lian, Yu Cao*, Chao Qi and Renqiang Sun, Effects of Ultrasonic on Dispersion in Dilute Polysaccharide Solution, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2014, 131, 40973.

    10. Qing Wang, Lin Han, Mengting Lian,Telieke Jiayinaguli, Ximeng Geng, Lina Liu, Yu Cao*, Antioxidant activity of Carboxymethyl β-Glucan (from the sclerotium of Poriacocos) Sulfate(InvitroInternational Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2014, 69: 229–235.

    Honors and Awards

    ² The Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) post doctoral fellowship for foreign researchers, the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science, Japan, 2005

    Address: Wuhan city Hongshan District Luoyu Road No. 152 Chemical building of Central China Normal University 430079 Tel: 027-67867955 Copyright 2015 - 2020 必发bifa在线登录 - 必发bifa首页 jcohenassoc.com