Chinese Version (中文版)
Tingjuan Gao received her B.S. degree in Chemistry from Peking University in 2002. In 2008 she received her Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of Rochester (USA). From 2008 to 2011, she worked with Professor Thomas Huser (currently at University of Bielefeld) at the Center for Biophotonics of University of California Davis as a postdoctoral fellow and later as an assistant project scientist. Her research fields involved optical label-free biosensing, nanolipoprotein particle characterization using single molecule fluorescence spectroscopy, and studying N. Punctiforme photosensory signal transduction using super resolution microscopy. Since 2012, Dr. Gao worked with Professor Sebastian Wachsmann-Hogiu (currently at McGill University) at University of California Davis, as an Entrepreneurship Fellow for the NSF program of Ecosystem of Biophotonics Innovation. Her major contribution was the development of a compact and large field-of-view microscopic cytometer for portable blood counting. She joined Central China Normal University as a faculty member in early 2016. Her current research interests include:
1. Raman-encoded information-carrying systems for high-throughput screening
2. Point-of-care testing technologies
3. In-situ detection of environmental markers
Selected Publications and Patents
1. Xinyi Li#, Qiong Deng#, Hongping Liu, Youwang Lei, Pengwei Fan, Bin Wang, Yangfei Chen, Zachary J. Smith, Yuchen Tang*, Tingjuan Gao*, A smart preparation strategy for point-of-care cellular counting of trace volumes of human blood, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2019, 411(13), 2767-2780.
2. Zachary Smith, Tingjuan Gao, Stephen Lane, Sebastian Wachmann-Hogiu; Tingjuan Gao, Denis Dwyre Dwyre, Laurence Heifetz, James Hood, Dennis Matthews, Keith Tatsukawa, Portable Blood Count Monitor, 2019.9.6, Japan Patent 6581965.
3. Zachary Smith, Tingjuan Gao, Stephen Lane, Sebastian Wachmann-Hogiu, Tingjuan Gao, Denis Dwyre Dwyre, Laurence Heifetz, James Hood, Dennis Matthews, Keith Tatsukawa, Portable Blood Count Monitor, 2018.7.17, US Patent 10,024,858 B2.
4. Yuchen Tang,Yann Thillier,Ruiwu Liu,Xiaocen Li,Kit S. Lam,Tingjuan Gao*,Single-Bead Quantification of Peptide Loading Distribution for One-Bead One-Compound Library Synthesis Using Confocal Raman Spectroscopy, Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 89(13), 7000-7008.
5. Tingjuan Gao(#), Zachary J. Smith(#), Tzu-yin Lin, Danielle Carrade Holt, Stephen M. Lane, Dennis L. Matthews, Denis M. Dwyre, James Hood Sebastian Wachsmann-Hogiu, Smart and fast blood counting of trace volumes of body fluids from various mammalian species using a compact, custom-built microscope cytometer, Analytical Chemistry, 2015, 87(23), 11854-11862.
6. Zachary J. Smith(#), Tingjuan Gao(#), Kaqin Chu, Stephen M. Lane, Dennis L. Matthews, Denis M. Dwyre, James Hood, Keith Tatsukawa, Heifetz Laurence, Sebastian Wachsmann-Hogiu, Single-step preparation and image-based counting of minute volumes of human blood, Lab on a Chip, 2014, 14(16), 3029-3036.
7. Tingjuan Gao, Jitka Petrlova, Wei He, Thomas Huser, Wieslaw Kudlick, John Voss, Matthew A. Coleman, Characterization of de novo synthesized GPCRs supported in nanolipoprotein discs, Plos One, 2012, 7(9), e44911.
8. Tingjuan Gao, Craig D. Blanchette, Wei He, Feliza Bourguet, Sonny Ly, Federico Katzen, Wieslaw A. Kudlicki, Paul T. Henderson, Thomas Huser, Matthew A. Coleman, “Diffusion Dynamics of Hydrated Membrane Protein Associated Nanolipoproteins Characterized by Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy.” Protein Science, 2011, 20(2), 437–447.
9. Tingjuan Gao, Lewis J. Rothberg, Label-free sensing of binding to microarrays using Brewster Angle Straddle Interferometry, Analytical Chemistry, 2007, 79(20), 7589-7595, Cover Article.
10. Tingjuan Gao, Jinghui Lu, Lewis J. Rothberg, Biomolecular sensing using near-null single wavelength Arrayed Imaging Reflectometry, Analytical Chemistry, 2006, 78(18), 6622-6627.